
Monday, March 8, 2010

For Aspiring Photographers

This is what the photographer's staircase looks like. 

At first, photography is hard, there is a lot to learn to just take that first big step and there is a long distance of practice and hard work before you take the next stair. 

Then you start mastering your settings and learn to see light and you conquer another large stair. After more practicing, learning and growth, the stairs become smaller. Your learning gap closes as the stairs become closer together. 

Eventually, you are climbing with little effort until finally, it all clicks, and you are walking, or running on even ground!
Never give up! Get past the huge stairs and it will get easier and easier. 

Towards the top you can call yourself a pro (if that's your goal) and start charging money. Charge what you're worth, and preferably, close to the amount top professionals in your area are charging. If you don't have the confidence to do that, then you're probably still somewhere on stair 2 or 3, and that's ok. Keep learning and keep going until you gain more confidence in your skill. Good luck, now get out and take some pictures, attend classes, read books, and most of all, practice!

p.s. it took me 12 years to get near the top step, I'm still not quite on level ground yet. But I have seen people make the journey in a month, so anything is possible!


tracie said...

Too much to think about. Now I am going to worry about what step I am on....ha.ha.

Freckles said...

LOL, Sorry, that post was meant to be inspiring in some way. haha Don't worry, you're doing great, and you'll know where you are in the journey from your confidence.

I used to worry about certain lighting situations, or certain types of shoots, to the point of having nightmares before shoots. Not anymore, I now know that whatever situation I walk into, I can handle it and produce killer images! Now I just need to learn to focus and follow one photo path!

Gina said...

LOVED this post! Thank you for the encouragement. It's so hard to beleive in yourself when you know nothing! I hope I can learn as fast as I want to.